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Progress of microRNAs in molecular radiobiology
周冲 王利利 周菊英
苏州大学附属第一医院放疗科, 苏州 215006
ZHOU Chong WANG Li-li ZHOU Ju-ying
Department of Radiation Oncology, The First Hospital Affiliated to Sooehow University, Suzhou 215006, China
MicroRNAsGene expression regulationRadiation effectsRadiotherapy
微小RNAs (miRNAs)是一类新近发现的能调节基因表达的短小非编码RNA.miRNAs通过负性调节靶基因,在辐射诱导的凋亡、辐射耐受性、旁观者效应等辐射反应中起重要作用.越来越多的证据表明,miRNAs与放射治疗所致的辐射生物效应相关.miRNAs有可能成为改善放射治疗肿瘤疗效的潜在新靶点.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are recently identified short non-coding RNAs that down-regulate gene expression and play an important role in components of the radiation-induced radiobiologic response,such as apoptosis, radiation tolerance and bystander effects. Accumulating evidence suggests that miRNAs may be associated with the responses of cells to radiation treatment. MiRNAs may serve as potential new targets for co-therapies aiming to improve the effects of radiotherapy in cancer patients.


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